How much will an exterior remodel of my home cost?

There are so many different ways in which you can remodel the exterior of your home that it isn’t always easy to demonstrate how much this type of work can cost. One of the most important things that you can do to help get a more accurate idea of what this type of work can cost is to narrow down exactly what you are looking to do, so that a contractor can give you an accurate idea of the price for your project.

Factors That Can Affect The Costs Of Home Remodeling Work

There are so many different ways in which you can improve the appearance of your home, and there are many different types of expenses that will feed into the overall cost of the project. The quality of the materials is going to be one of the major aspects of this, and if you are trying to keep to a strict budget, this may mean you will need to compromise between the materials and the overall amount of work you can do. Another factor will be the cost of labor, and again here the quality tradesmen may charge a little more for the service that they provide.


This is probably the simplest and most cost effective way of improving the appearance of your property, and in the majority of cases the exterior materials of properties will be able to accept a splash of color. When you are thinking about painting your home, it is important to make sure that the color you choose will be in keeping with your property and the overall atmosphere of your neighborhood, and look for a color that will really show off your home in its best light. Ultimately, along with the quality of the paint and the labor of your contractor, the other main factor that will impact the cost of a painting project will be the size of your property, and the amount of surface that will need to be painted.

Siding And Paneling

If you live in a property where the exterior material of your home will not accept paint to add color, then another option that you can use is to add a layer or paneling or siding over the existing exterior material of your property. This can be particularly good for older properties from the mid twentieth century where the exterior materials used at the time can now look quite dated, so changing the exterior material can transform the home’s appearance.

Using a type of cladding for the exterior of the property will cost more than painting a property, but the costs can still vary quite significantly, with higher quality materials such as natural stone or hardwood timber generally being more expensive to install than PVCu or Softwood cladding materials.

Driveway And Garden Renovations

Another way of transforming the exterior appearance of your property can also include the other visible parts that can be seen from the curb, and this is usually your driveway and the garden. A beautiful property can be let down by a scrub grassland in front of the property, or a dirt track leading up to a parking area, so improving the exterior can have just as much of an impact on the appearance as the physical exterior of the home.

There are a whole host of different ways you can improve the garden in front of your home, with a small flat area often ideal for a lush green lawn, while a rougher or less level space often lending itself to a series of smaller rock gardens. Improving a driveway is even more straightforward, and resurfacing with tarmac can be one option, while a layer of loose stone or even a brick driveway for a smaller space also being attractive options.

Finding The Right Contractor For Your Remodeling Work

Once you’ve decided exactly the type of work you are looking to carry out as part of the exterior remodel of your home, the next step is to get quotations and to find a reliable contractor that you can trust to carry out the work on the property. Having a look at online review sites will help you to filter out some of the contractors, and looking for those with plenty of positive reviews can help you to draw up a shortlist. You should then obtain at least three quotes from different tradesmen, and make sure that you have a specific brief for the work to ensure your quotations are for a like-for-like project before deciding on the right contractor for your work.

Ready to remodel your home? Contact us today for a free quote!

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